Policy: Big changes for schools – led by those who know them best

Previous: Power to Young People

We will implement universal free school meals, because no child should go hungry. Full stop.

Just as access to food is a basic dignity all British children must enjoy, so too is access to education – all the way through. That is why not only will we end tuition fees – we’ll find a way to forgive existing student debt too.

We want to change the education system, too. We don’t think it’s fit for purpose as it stands, and we think change is very long overdue now.

As such, we’re committed to a complete restructuring of schools, including abolishing private schools, and enabling teachers & educators to take the lead on reforms via either a national assembly or a series of regional assemblies.

We will listen, and implement what we are told is best for children.

We will also seek, as a matter of some urgency and as part of antiracism efforts, to improve education on marginalised communities – such as Black history, GRT history, LGBTQIA+ history. We will also seek to enshrine the importance of inclusion as a key value of the new education system.

We will too be seeking to increase further/higher education uptake of STEM courses as Britain looks ahead to the mid 21st century with an eye to building on the gains made in high tech industry in the late 20th and early 21st.

We also believe children must be heard. As such, we will legislate to improve the rights of children to be heard directly – to always have a say on matters that impact their welfare, wellbeing, and futures.

And in more instantly practical terms, we will legislate for the State to fund a counsellor in every school in England to ensure that children really are being heard.

Next: Work & Social Justice